The History of THe Christian Church Conference Center
The following is a record of the gift of the land by the Ray and Davidson families as recorded in the Ocala Star Banner from December 21, 1945.
Ray and Davidson Donate Site For State Conference Grounds of Florida Christian Churches.
The donation of Ray and Davidson, Silver Springs, of a site comprising about 12 acres for the establishment of conference grounds by the Christian Churches of Florida, was announced today by the Rev. R. H. Stewart, pastor of the First Christian Church of Ocala.
Located in a beautiful grove of hardwoods on the north side of the Ocala-Daytona Beach highway, a short distance east of Silver Springs, the grounds will be owned by the Florida Christian Missionary Society, which has its headquarters here.
Buildings for a worship center, including a chapel, also to house class and recreational activities, together with several groups of cottages, are proposed for the conference grounds, the Rev. Stewart said.
He said the facilities would be made available to church groups when not in use being used by the Christian Churches of the state.
“The main purpose of the grounds will be to provide a site for young people’s summer camps,” the Rev. Stewart stated. “Other church conferences will be held there, too. Probably all of the main buildings on the grounds will be memorial structures”, he said. “We are going to ask individual churches to provide funds for the construction of the cottages. And our plan is to name each cottage for the church contributing to its construction.”
The First Christian Church pastor, who was instrumental in having Silver Springs selected as the location of the proposed conference grounds, was very appreciative of the generosity of Ray and Davidson, operators of the famous resort center.
“We appreciate very much the gift of Messrs. Ray and Davidson.” He declared. “They have done a very fine in making the site available. It has been accepted by our state board and our state convention.”
The conference site has a frontage of 450 feet on the Ocala-Daytona Beach highway. Plans for the buildings and for the landscaping of the grounds will be prepared by an architect who is a member of the state board of the Christian Churches, the Rev. Stewart said. T. Boyd Clayton is secretary of the Florida Christian Missionary Society. His office is in the Marion Building.